Schedule: 3-day intensive: 3 hours Friday (7-10pm) and 6 hours each on Saturday and Sunday (10am-5pm, with a one-hour lunch break each day) February 7-9
Class size: 14 students maximum
Class length: 15 hours total
Prerequisite: None! All adults 18 and over are welcome!
Tuition: $299
Foundation 2 focuses on refining your improv knowledge and skill set, reinforcing the concepts you learned in Foundation 1 through games, play, and exercises.
While the emphasis is still on fun, course content also explores more conceptual and technical information and helps you build the skills you need to perform in front of an audience.
Students in Foundation 2 are recommended to read IMPRO by Keith Johnstone. Johnstone invented Theatresports, one of the core improv formats we play at BATS. The book is available from a variety of retail outlets, including Amazon.
At the conclusion, everyone "passes" and can move on to Foundation 3, but you can also take Foundation 2 as many times as you would like.
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