About The Bechdel Test
Struck by how female characters often get a raw deal in stories, American cartoonist Alison Bechdel came up with her own requirement for movies she would see. Stories need
A) one scene with two women who
B) Talk to each other about
C) Something other than a man.
This criteria came to be known as The Bechdel Test, and a remarkably low percentage of films and stories pass it! The stories we consume overwhelmingly center around men, in a world peopled by men.
This improv show, borrowing its name from Alison Bechdel's famous criteria, aims to break the mold by putting complicated, multi-faceted women at the center of their own stories. Through patient, character-driven improvisation, the players will explore the idiosyncrasies, contradictions, and depths of these women that we all too often only see as accessories in the worlds of men.
Director/Creator: Lisa Rowland
Producer: Claire Slattery
Cast: Basel Al-Naffouri, Fontana Butterfield, Rebecca Poretsky, Lisa Rowland, Kyoko Sato, and Claire Slattery.